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Message from the president of the NMIA to Nuba people in diaspora about the humanitarian situation

ladies and Gentlemen of the Nuba Mountains diaspora:


I address you today as we welcome the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, and I extend to you my best wishes. As of now our country is going through a war that has affected all the Sudanese people and its impact has been reflected in the humanitarian situation in the state of South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains. The citizens of the Nuba Mountains suffer from a lack of basic resources such as food, medical care, and clean water. The local and international community must work together to provide humanitarian aid and support efforts to achieve peace and stability in the region. Civil society organizations in the region play a vital role in mitigating the effects of the humanitarian crises in the Nuba Mountains in Sudan. These organizations can provide emergency assistance in providing food and shelter, providing health care and education, promoting human rights, and supporting the rebuilding of damaged infrastructure. It also works to promote awareness and education about rights, personal safety, clean water and sanitation. Accordingly, from my position as President of the Nuba Mountains International Association in America, I appeal to all organizations and associations of the people of the Nuba Mountains diaspora to coordinate and cooperate with each other to carry out campaigns to support our people in the state of South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains so that we can overcome this dangerous stage of famine that the region is going through and avoid the disasters resulting from it. 

The Association in America will continue to support our people in the Nuba Mountains region.

 We ask God for success,

 you have all my thanks and appreciation.


Abbas Dafalla Hassan

President of the Nuba mountains International Ass

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